Disadvantages of Working from Home

Let’s face it – When you have your work at your home environment, where you actually live, this usually means you sometimes need hurdles to over come, let’s go over the work from home or virtual office environment.

  • Constant distractions like dogs barking, children crying and interruptions from neighbors or loved ones. So if your easily distracted, this could be a big challenge for you.
  • Besides constant distractions, it can be even more difficult to stay motivated when your in a cozy warm comfortable environment. For those of you that remember Rocky the original movie, some times, well at least for me it is important to keep uncomfortable therefore staying in the “eye of the tiger” mode.
  • When you have the “eye of the tiger” you procrastinate. You could unlike the task or dislike the challenge. So get out there, get an office that you can stay motivated and be more productive. Personally, I never work from home when I am home it is time for relaxing an me time.
  • For those “workaholics” some time you never stop working and that leaves a lack of balance between home, work and play times. Sometimes people can end up doing household chores instead of actually working.

This article written by Henry S Becker an actual small business owner who has been self employed for over 40 years. 

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